A huge thank you to all the wonderful musicians, family, friends and everyone else who came to help support the 7th annual BrianFest. We came together to remember Brian, celebrate his music and raise money to fund the Brian Cretzmeyer Trust for Young Musicians and we thank all so very much.
Thank you to Jason Deppe and the Saloon who brought us in from the rain on the Ped Mall for our Friday night music. Thank you to all the talented musicians from Preucil School of Music and West Music and all of their parents. We hope you enjoyed the last minute change of venue. Also, thank you to our dear friends and incredible musicians who performed – Dave Zollo, Ryan Bernemann, Randall Davis and Brian Cooper.
We are also grateful for the hospitality of the Mill and their staff. We thank you. To the performers on Saturday night – we can’t thank you enough. Ian Kenning, Otar Taktkishvili and Dave Bartlett - you traveled far, spent five days here - visiting, planning and practicing hard. We are grateful beyond words and thank you from the bottom of our hearts. It was a pleasure to have you here. Forrest Heusinkveld, Matt Bernemann, Aaron Schaefer, Jim Kirkendall, Casey Coppi, and of course our very own Matty Cretzmeyer – another thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Another group of amazing musicians and talent. We thank you.
Hopefully, most of you were around to see the two additional stars in this year’s lineup. Annie and Lucy Axeen (Brian’s nieces), who sang two of Brian’s songs. Amazing voices and bravery and we know that Brian had to be smiling from above when they were singing.
Thank you again from our family to all who helped make this year’s BrianFest a success. We will continue to support the projects that are currently in place, and will continue to find new ways to bring music into children’s lives.
Thank you, peace and love.
Brian’s family.
Thank you to all the wonderful people and musicians who joined us on, September 7, 2018 for the Sixth Annual BrianFest!
BrianFest 2015
Another incredible BrianFest, and our first one in the heart of Iowa City's Ped Mall!
And these incredible musicians made it possible, a big thank you to:
- Preucil School of Music
- David Zollo and the Body Electric
- Jim Kirkendall
- Emmett Sheehan
- Otar Taktakishvili and Friends
- Steve Gingerich
- The Uniphonics
And a special thank you again to Scott Kading and Pete McCarthy of the Iowa City Yacht Club for all their support.
For a few highlights from the Brian Fest 2015 celebration on the Iowa City Ped Mall, click here.
Stay tuned for information on Brian Fest 2016
BrianFest 2014
A huge shout out and thank you to:
- The Kalona Golf Club for opening their beautiful course to us for an outstanding tournament
- Scott, Pete, and the Iowa City Yacht Club for hosting the Friday night show
- Jim Kirkendall
- Otar Taktakishvili, Ian Kenning, and friends
- The Jesse White Band
- Emmett Sheehan
- Tallgrass
- David Zollo and the Body Electric
- Uniphonics
for a truly spectacular evening of terrific music, and to:
- Team Horton Gazornenplat and the West Berkshire Country Club Gold Members
for their participation in the American Cancer Society Relay for Life at the Cretzmeyer track!
BrianFest 2014 Photos
2014 Relay for Life Photos
1st Annual BrianFest at the Iowa City Yacht Club
Iowa City Yacht Club, Friday 14 June 2013. An evening of local music benefitting the Brian Cretzmeyer Trust for Young Musicians.
A huge thank you to:
- Alan Huckleberry
- The Uniphonics
- Dave Zollo & The Body Electric
- The Sullivan Gang
- Tallgrass
for an outstanding evening of great music!
Media coverage
- Slideshow from the Yacht Club concert (17 June 2013 Daily Iowan)
- Brian Fest will honor life of local musician (13 June 2013 Press Citizen - source)
- BrianFest: Honoring a local legend (13 June 2013 Daily Iowan - source)
2013 BrianFest Photos
American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Johnson County
Saturday 15 June 2013 - at the Cretzmeyer track.
Our team, "Horton Gazornenplat and the West Berkshire Country Club Gold Members," raised over $1,500 for the American Cancer Society in Brian's name, walking as a team in his memory. Special thanks to all of those who turned out and joined us for a very special and rewarding day.